Sunday, July 19, 2009

Do not have idea about toenail fungus

Today i really don't have idea about toenail fungus. I wanna update my blog but i am still finding idea. Do you have any idea what i must write about toenail fungus. I am trying to find an idea in forum, google, or in other blogs.

But, until now, i am still did not find any idea. I don't know what must i write. I wanna ask my friend who know about toenail fungus. Unfortunately, she is busy.

I am try hard to find ide about nail fungus. Now, i am hungry. Maybe, i must eat something so i can find any idea. Or, i must play dota. I hope after playing dota, i will feel happy so i can get any idea about toenail fungus.


  1. Toenail fungus is really dangerous. You can even loss your nail. You should take it seriously and should not hang around until you will experience having smelly feet and dead nail. You should treat it without any delay.

    Mycosis Treatment

  2. Toenail fungus, although often a result of poor private hygiene, may also happen from a wide range of conditions in which even the cleanest of us is affected. The carrying of tight becoming sneakers and hosiery, significantly when exercising, can produce a warm, damp environment surrounding the foot that tremendously increases the chance of infection.
