Monday, August 3, 2009

190 Companies are actively operating

From 212 companies that have permission multifinance business (financing) in the year 2008, only 190 companies are actively operating. While the remaining 22 finance companies are not on other operating financial performance because it is not clear. Toenail Fungus read this fact on

Based on the results of the study of Bureau of Research Infobank titled "Ratings 142 Multifinance version Infobank 2009", the number of companies that have permission to continue and even last diminution since ten years.

Bureau estimates the number of research Infobank multifinance company will continue to experience shrinking because there are many companies that are not active multifinance and regulator (Bapepam-LK) to the firm action against companies that do not comply with regulations.

Head of Bureau of Research Infobank, Eko B Suriyanto said that the regulator attempts to discipline market will bring positive influence to the progress of industry.

"Step revocation of permission to the Ministry of Finance conducted multifinance that this activity is not clear that steps need to be supported because it can mendisiplinkan market," he said to Toenail Fungus Natural Cure in a Press Conference Ratings 142 Multifinance version Infobank 2009 at Hotel Sahid Jaya, Jakarta, Monday (3 / 8 / 2009).

Eko says, multifinance industry's performance in the year 2008 experienced growth both in terms of financing and profit.

"If the financing in 2007 to Rp 107.70 trillion, by 2008 increase to Rp 137.20 trillion. So also profit from the growing to become Rp 4.40 trillion, Ro 6.40 trillion," said Eko to Toenail Fungus.

Eko also add, the type of business activities that develop multifinance most dominant in 2008 still held consumer finance sector (cars, motorcycles and electronic equipment), which reached Rp 83.2 trillion.

"For a business to rent (leasing) of Rp 50.7 trillion. Then the credit card of Rp 1.1 trillion," he said.

Multifinance rating on this year, go Eko, who achieve very good predicate reached 69 companies. "While the predicate it is reaching the 30 companies and 26 companies were given predicate is good. The remaining 17 companies print performance and reach the red predicate not good," he said.

Multifinance Rank:

Category beraset financing company Rp 1 trillion to the top:

1. Finansia Multi Finance
2. Otomultiartha
3. Summit Oto Finance

Category beraset financing company Rp 100 billion up to Rp 1 trillion under:

1. AB Sinar Mas Multifinance
2. Kembang Eight-Eight Multifinance
3. Arthaasia Finance

Category-class company financing beraset below Rp 100 billion:

1. Mega Finadana
2. Otomas Multifinance
3. Danareksa Finance

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